Protection Options - Call 210-488-4995 for more information

PC Protection Coverage* Click for Terms and Conditions

*Protection Plans start at $20 per month or $200 per year when signing up for the Silver Desktop Plan. Plans are PER Machine, no multiple machine discounts are available. Protection includes the following: on-site checkup of a PC/laptop inside and out for any current issues including dust, possible hardware failure (component inspection), virus/malware removal, optimization, and an annual subscription to the best Internet Security software you can buy while on subscription with our protection. A $10 travel fee for on-site service applies, no charge if you bring the unit in for service. A subscription can only be made through PayPal (using a checking account or credit card) and is required for a protection plan. A one-time $40 setup and a Subscription Activation is required for first month of service (starting at $60 total for first month of service for the Silver Desktop Plan), Subscription will continue on either a Monthly or Yearly cycle as chosen. Unreplacable parts are replaced with a better version at no additional cost. Other terms and conditions may apply. Modificatins to the Protection Plan from information coming from any Surveys may be made at any time without any notice. For more information:

Call Kevin at 210-488-4995
24 Hour Computer Services

Click here to schedule an appointment, or fill out the Contact Form for a call back.

Subject: *
E-mail Address: *
Name (First and Last): *
Zip Code:
Phone Number: *

* RequiredCreate Email Forms

For Internal Use Only

Monthly Subscribing Options
(Required for each PC)
Computer Serial Number
(To get Protection on that PC)

Annual Subscribing Options
(Required for each PC)
Computer Serial Number
(To get Protection on that PC)

Other Service Charges
(Internal Use Only)